1.1 Twin Flame Discovery and Alignment – 4 Sessions


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Twin Flame Booth Camp Discovery and Alignment, 4 session bundle for maximum progress, CUSTOMIZED FOR YOU.

In every private session, we assess where you’re at and guide you to where you want to be, by going through all different Twin Flame stages, from soul recognition and the merging process, and most importantly how to shift permanently into twin flame alignment.


Individual sessions include:

A soul reading for you and your twin flame, soul connection.

Guidance And Healing Sessions Transforming Blockages.

Multi-dimensional healing and guidance with trained and experienced counselors and healers, guided by what you want to focus on, including:



  • Your twin flame union
  • Your twin flame mission
  • The ascension process
  • Your life purpose
  • Other relationships
  • Healing your inner child
  • Past life issues
  • Past life vows, contracts and agreements
  • Abundance and manifestation
  • Being in divine power
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